Friday, August 7, 2015

Français 1 Devoirs:

You're homework tonight is to go to YouTube and watch the video following video:

Listen to the story as many times as you need to referring to your core structures list for help if you need to. Write a 5-10 sentence summary of the story in English, and be prepared to turn it in at the beginning of class tomorrow.

Je fête le St. Jean-Bapiste à Québec City! 
Bonjour! Je m'appelle Madame Murphy et je suis votre professeur de français!

I have been teaching French at the high school level for four years, and before that was an adjunct instructor for two years at Ohio University. I currently teach French I-V at Valley Forge High School. I have a BS in journalism and also an MA in French from Ohio University. In 2008 I taught English for a year in a small town in southern France called Limoux, and just recently was able to travel to Québec for the first time for vacation. I love languages and cultures. I want to visit more of the Francophonie as well as work on my fledgling German skills. I love to read and am currently working my way through the Harry Potter series in French (I'm almost finished with The Order of the Phœnix!) I am really looking for to sharing my passion for the French language with and hope you enjoy the adventure you are about to embark on!
C'est moi et mon fiancé. Nous écoutons
de la musique à Montréal!